Mit dem online-Rechtsinformationssystem CertLex unterstützen Fachexperten und Juristen internationale Unternehmen bei der Einhaltung der hohen rechtlichen Anforderungen, die für Mittelstand und produzierende Industrie einen immer höheren Stellenwert einnehmen. Neben den Schwerpunkten Umweltschutz-, Arbeitsschutz-, Energie- und Datenschutzrecht ist es unseren Kunden möglich, mit Hilfe von CertLex ihr Genehmigungskataster online zu verwalten.
CertLex AG
Hopfenmarkt 33
20457 Hamburg
Telephone: 040 360 97 19-0
Telefax: 040 360 97 19-29
E-Mail: info(at)
The lawyers' office Dr. Poppe supports BfU regarding important questions for customer advisory.
The main topics are:
Headquaters: | Location: |
Teichstraße 14 | Hopfenmarkt 33 |
34130 Kassel | 20457 Hamburg |
Telephone: 0561 677 87 | Telephone: 040 36 00 66 543 |
Telefax: 0561 969 96-66 | Telefax: 040 302 386 98-9 |
E-Mail: info(at) | E-Mail: info(at) |
Website: | Website: |
The environmental auditor and authorised experts of the Energon AG are available as independent inspection and verification authority for you, e.g. to validate or certify your management systems, verify greenhouse gas emission reports, or to be able to submit expert reports on the "Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz" or "Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungs-Gesetz".
Energon AG
Umweltgutachter- und Sachverständigenorganisation
Teichstraße 16
34130 Kassel
Telephone: 0561 2861063-0
E-Mail: info(at)
The company undertakes certification and assessment of management systems in accordance with DIN ISO 9000 and 14001 as a certification company accredited with the Dakks GmbH (formerly TGA). The company was founded in December 1998.
Environmental and Quality Standards Certification - ESC Cert GmbH
Headquaters: | Location: |
Teichstraße 14 | Hopfenmarkt 33 |
34130 Kassel | 20457 Hamburg |
Telephone: 0561 969 698-80 | Telephone: 040 68 87 43-10 |
Telefax: 0561 6026777 | Telefax: 0561 6026777 |
E-Mail: info(at) | E-Mail: info(at) |
Website: | Website: |
This company provides services and material assistance for infrastructure systems of industrial and service companies and develops technical and organizational systems for them. It was founded in May 1998.
Gesellschaft für Infrastrukturleistungen und Systementwicklung - Infra–System GmbH
Teichstraße 14
34130 Kassel
Telephone: 0561 96996-40
Telefax: 0561 96996-67
The German Green Desk (GGD) supports foreign companies in successfully implementing their entrepreneurial plans in Germany and Europe. GGD gives advices to international companies and industry on the legally compliant supply of their products on the German market and the construction of industrial plants in Germany. For this purpose, German Green Desk already offers compliance audits as well as environmental due diligence audits in the planning phase and subsequently supports the successful management of environmental inspections, the acquisition of approval/licensing and compliance with licensing requirements.
Teichstraße 14
34130 Kassel
Telefon: +49 561 96996 47
Telefax: +49 (0)561 969 96-60
E-Mail: info(at)
E-Mail: info(at)
Tel.: +49 (0)561 96996-0