BfU AG is an independent service provider that accompanies industrial companies into legally secure conditions. We offer our extensive know-how in the areas of corporate environmental protection, fire and explosion protection, occupational safety, plant and product safety, as well as corresponding management systems, in order to dovetail business with environmental protection legislation.
The company was founded as a GmbH in 1976. Our headquarters are in Kassel. In addition, we have representations in Aschaffenburg, Halle, Hamburg, Wetzlar, Weinstadt and Wuppertal. In 2008 the company was reorganised to become a public limited company. Since then, in addition to the majority shareholder - Dr. Poppe AG Beteiligungsgesellschaft - leading employees are also involved as shareholders of the company.
In 2008, BfU underwent reorganization from a GmbH (limited company) to an Aktiengesellschaft (plc), in order to enable executive employees to acquire a stake in the Company.
BfU's basic concept still has currency: synthesis of technology, natural sciences and law. Around 90 specialist Master's engineers, natural scientists and legal practitioners look after our customers.