
Hans-Ulrich Terme

Tel: +49 (0)561 96996-14
Email: terme(at)

Hans-Ulrich Terme


Manuel Kurz

Tel: +49 (0)561 96996-17
Email: kurz(at)

Manuel Kurz


Stephan Schäfer

Tel: +49 (0)561 96996-267
Email: schaefer(at)

Stephan Schäfer


Marco Kühn

Tel: +49 (0)345 686977-14
Email: kuehn(at)

Marco Kühn

Klaus Reibenspiess

Tel: +49 (0)561 96996-738
Email: reibenspiess(at)

Klaus Reibenspiess

CSR Reporting Requirement

Corporate social responsibility

Capital market-oriented companies are obliged, for the first time, to include a non-financial declaration (a CSR report) in the annual financial statements of the financial year beginning after 31 December 2016.

This requirement exists if the company

  • participates in an organized market within the meaning of the Wertpapierhandelsgesetz (German Securities Trading Act) by means of securities issued by it ("share trading"),
  • generates sales of more than EUR 40 million in a 12-month period prior to the last reporting date
  • has total assets of more than EUR 20 million and/or
    employs more than 500 employees on average throughout the year.

More than 900 companies in Germany are thus estimated to be affected by this requirement.

Group subsidiaries may be exempted from the requirement in respect of the independent preparation of a non-financial declaration if they meet certain prerequisites.
The "non-financial declaration" can be provided in the customary management report or made available by means of a separate report.

The following points must be borne in mind in this context:

  1. Environmental concerns (e.g. in relation to greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, air pollution, energy use, protection of biodiversity etc.)
  2. Workers' concerns (e.g. in relation to gender equality, working conditions, fulfilment of workers' rights and trades union rights, health protection and occupational safety etc.)
  3. Social concerns (e.g. in relation to dialogues at municipal or regional level, protection and development of local communities etc.)
  4. Respect for human rights (e.g. in relation to the prevention of human rights violations)
  5. Fighting corruption and bribery (e.g. in relation to tools for combating corruption and bribery)

Since 1976, BfU AG, with over 90 employees throughout Europe, has been assisting companies in ensuring that they comply with legal requirements, particularly in relation to social, environmental and occupational (safety) legislation.

We will be pleased to assist you with

  • the legal judgement as to whether and to what extent your company is required to prepare a non-financial declaration
  • determining the scope of the declaration in the annual financial statements that your company requires to make under commercial law and preparing that declaration.

With our principal place of business in Kassel and our branches throughout Germany, our economists, engineers and legal practitioners also operate locally in your area of competence.

Your contact persons in our offices


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Klaus Reibenspiess
Telefon: +49 (0)6021 582254-2
E-Mail: reibenspiess(at)


Marco Kühn
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-14
E-Mail: kuehn(at)

Susanne Hedicke
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-26
E-Mail: hedicke(at)


Dr. Antonia Goldner
Telefon: +49 (0)40 30238698-3
E-Mail: goldner(at)


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Stefan Bender
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-12
E-Mail: bender(at)

Hans-Tobias Brenne
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-13
E-Mail: brenne(at)


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Emission declaration 2020

Until the 31st of May 2021 an emission declaration for the reporting year 2020 has to be issued for various facilities that require permits according to the Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz (Federal Immission Control Act), which need to be transmitted to the officials via the web portal BUBE-online.

The obligation to decare topical emission data including operational outline data regarding emission sources, respectively emission processes, every for years results from the Verordnung über Emissionserklärungen (11. BImSchV). Only facilities where a minor range of air polution is expected are excluded.

Meanwhile the responsible officials have issued many requests to operating companies to check the master data of the facilities in question in BUBE-online, and the login details for the BUBE-online system have also been sent to the operating companies.

The emission delcaration is registered digitally on a federal level via the data entry software BUBE-online (Betriebliche UmweltdatenBerichtErstattung). Depending on the size of the facility that is obliged to declare, the number of sites and sources etc., the declaration can take up a big amount of time. Therefore it's remcommended to create the necessary data basis (e.g. hours of operation, substance output, measured values).

We gladly support you regarding the following topics:

  • check whether your facility needs to issue an emission declaration,
  • identification of your facility's emissions, based on the available documentation or an emission forecasting,
  • creation of the emission declaration via the data entry software BUBE-online and last but not least
  • the dialogue with the officials.

Your contact persons in our offices


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)

Christoph Franken
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-34
E-Mail: franken(at)


Klaus Reibenspiess
Telefon: +49 (0)6021 582254-2
E-Mail: reibenspiess(at)


Marco Kühn
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-14
E-Mail: kuehn(at)

Vanessa Thiede
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-28
E-Mail: thiede(at)


Dr. Antonia Goldner
Telefon: +49 (0)40 30238698-3
E-Mail: goldner(at)


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Stefan Bender
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-12
E-Mail: bender(at)

Hans-Tobias Brenne
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-13
E-Mail: brenne(at)


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Legally Compliant Business Organisation

Organising environmental protection - Establishing a legally compliant company organisation

A lack of or deficient organisation with regard to the fulfilment of corporate or operator duties can lead to considerable compliance and liability risks. In order to share duties, but also responsibility, the management of a company can delegate management and technical responsibility to responsible persons (delegation of duties). Inadequate delegation of duties may be subject to sanction as organisational culpability (section 130 of the Gesetz über Ordnungswidrigkeiten (Act on Regulatory Offences - OWIG), section 14 of the Strafgesetzbuch (German Criminal Code - StGB)).

The company should therefore instal a corresponding structural organisation (including line and staff functions, matrix organisation) and delegate company environmental obligations. How specifically and to what level a delegation of duties should sensibly be undertaken and in a manner that will stand up in court also depends on the affected environmental media/legal areas, the licensing situation and company size. The scope and number of delegations, however, should be transparent and thus manageable if changes need to be made.

In addition to structural organisation, the establishment of a legally compliant and standard-compliant workflow organisation for environmentally relevant processes is also required for an effective environmental management system, regardless of whether certification to, say, DIN EN ISO 14001 is to take place. We liaise closely with our customers here to ensure that the solutions are viable in the long term and economically feasible.

Our services:

We will be pleased to ask our team of engineers, experts and lawyers to assist your company in setting up a legally certain business organisation. We offer you the following services:

  • Individual training courses / workshops on the delegation of duties (legal duties, need for, and sense of, the delegation of duties, presentation of possible implementation channels)
  • Working out an adjusted model for implementing the delegation of duties in your company, including the preparation of the relevant, legally examined documentation.

Your contact persons in our offices


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)

Manuel Kurz
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-17
E-Mail: kurz(at)

Christoph Franken
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-34
E-Mail: franken(at)

Tobias Porkristl
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-15
E-Mail: porkristl(at)

Stefan Hüsemann
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-24
E-Mail: huesemann(at)


Klaus Reibenspiess
Telefon: +49 (0)6021 582254-2
E-Mail: reibenspiess(at)


Marco Kühn
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-14
E-Mail: kuehn(at)

Vanessa Thiede
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-28
E-Mail: thiede(at)


Dr. Antonia Goldner
Telefon: +49 (0)40 30238698-3
E-Mail: goldner(at)


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Stefan Bender
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-12
E-Mail: bender(at)

Hans-Tobias Brenne
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-13
E-Mail: brenne(at)


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Company Experts

Outsourcing of expert functions

Commercial and industrial enterprises frequently require company experts to be appointed. Often, shortcomings and conflicts arise with regard to technical requirements and the time budget for carrying out duties. This can give rise to further liability risks. We support companies in case-by-case assessment of the corresponding necessity. In addition, we can provide experts as an external service. We assist our customers in deciding whether, taking account of company circumstances, complete outsourcing of the expert function or selective support is more effective.

Our environmental protection ecperts are trained on the basis of current statutory regulations and regularly receive further training on their own responsibility. It goes without saying that all expert  functions are redundantly available, thereby enabling an expert contact person to be accessible at any time.

Our service:

We check obligations for the appointment of company experts from various fields of law for our clients and help them to make the right decision, whether a complete outsourcing of company expert functions or a selective or temporary support is more efficient.

If required we take over the function as external company experts via our qualified staff und a team of engineers, authorised experts and lawyers.

The following are some of the expert functions in environmental protection with which we can provide you:

Additionally we offer the appointment of the following experts:

Your contact persons in our offices


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Christoph Franken
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-34
E-Mail: franken(at)

Manuel Kurz
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-17
E-Mail: kurz(at)


Klaus Reibenspiess
Telefon: +49 (0)6021 582254-2
E-Mail: reibenspiess(at)


Marco Kühn
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-14
E-Mail: kuehn(at)


Dr. Antonia Goldner
Telefon: +49 (0)40 30238698-3
E-Mail: goldner(at)


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Stefan Bender
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-12
E-Mail: bender(at)

Hans-Tobias Brenne
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-13
E-Mail: brenne(at)


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Official Environmental Inspections, Official Monitoring

Preparation for official monitoring of environmentally relevant installations

Companies face official monitoring on a more or less regular basis. The implementation of the European Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) regulates and systematises official monitoring, at least as far as so-called IED installations are concerned. The aim of the Directive is to achieve a uniform level of environmental protection and equivalent competitive conditions in Europe by means of a cross-media, integrated approach to protection. To this end, inspection intervals of between one and three years are defined by the authority as part of a risk assessment.The environmental inspections frequently focus on examining whether operators of installations subject to licensing are meeting their obligations and on whether requirements from ordinances and collateral provisions in respect of licensing decisions are being complied with. It also needs to be borne in mind that the publications of BAT conclusions on the main activity of the installations must be regularly reviewed and that the licence may need to be updated.

The environmental inspections frequently focus on examining whether operators of installations subject to licensing are meeting their obligations and on whether requirements from ordinances and collateral provisions in respect of licensing decisions are being complied with. It also needs to be borne in mind that the publications of BAT conclusions on the main activity of the installations must be regularly reviewed and that the licence may need to be updated.

Previous experience shows that installation operators need to pay special attention to official environmental inspections, not least because the results of the monitoring (inspection reports) are made accessible to the public. The IE inspections essentially focus on the following issues:

  • Have the collateral provisions/conditions from the licensing decisions been implemented?
  • Is the installation still in its licensed state or have there been changes?
  • Are changes to the law being tracked and implemented by the company?
  • Have operator duties been delegated and is the company organisation appropriate?

Our services:

  • Legal compliance - compliance audits
    We will be pleased to assist you in planning and conducting compliance audits in advance of official environmental inspections and in assessing/ complying with licensing conditions. An experienced and highly competent team of engineers, experts and lawyers is available to you for this purpose. We take company concerns into consideration in this process and focus on proportionate expense.

  • Evaluation of legal sources - CertLex
    Legal source services are utilised on a regular basis in order to track changes to the law. The web-based system CertLex ( also offers a licensing module in addition to the individual legal source service.

  • To ensure that the installation operates in compliance with the law in relation to the implementation of licensing conditions, we offer you support in setting up and maintaining a register of licences and conditions.

  • Management of conditions and collateral provisions
    The licensing module of CertLex ( enables electronic management of your entire communications with authorities, such as decisions under immission control legislation, building permits or permits under water legislation. It is easy to carry out the complete documentation of collateral provisions including the delegation of duties, tailored to the configuration of your installations, on an online basis. In this way, you will keep on top of matters at all times, make your employees' work easier and strengthen legal certainty in your company at the same time!

Your contact persons in our offices


Christoph Franken
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-34
E-Mail: franken(at)

Manuel Kurz
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-17
E-Mail: kurz(at)

Stefan Hüsemann
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-24
E-Mail: huesemann(at)


Klaus Reibenspiess
Telefon: +49 (0)6021 582254-2
E-Mail: reibenspiess(at)


Marco Kühn
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-14
E-Mail: kuehn(at)

Vanessa Thiede
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-28
E-Mail: Thiede(at)


Dr. Antonia Goldner
Telefon: +49 (0)40 30238698-3
E-Mail: goldner(at)


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Stefan Bender
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-12
E-Mail: bender(at)

Hans-Tobias Brenne
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-13
E-Mail: brenne(at)


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Compliance Audits

Audit of operational compliance in environmental protection, energy law

Compliance means adherence to legal requirements and hence a legally certain operation. An operation that is not legally certain leads to liability risks, possibly to a loss of image and, in individual cases, to a loss of certificates (in accordance with, say, DIN EN ISO 14001, 50001) and hence customer orders. This may result, as a minimum, in financial success being put at risk. Under certain circumstances, the entire operating licence may be withdrawn.

The responsible personnel in the company thus face the question of how to counter such risks, with the interplay between various processes, such as risk assessment, company organisation, delegation of duties, evaluation of changes to the law and a regular review of compliance within the company being crucial. Particularly companies that need to undergo regular certification audits or official monitoring are being addressed at this juncture.

We offer to conduct compliance audits in your company with regard to all legal areas in environment legislation, energy legislation and occupational safety legislation.

The compliance audits are tailored to the customer's individual needs (size, organisational form, activities and relevant legal areas). We assemble a corresponding auditor team composed of engineers, experts and lawyers for this purpose, conduct the audit in accordance with the agreed plan and, finally, prepare a report with an action plan in respect of specific required actions and recommendations. We will also be very pleased to assist you in preparing company checklists and working through the identified need for action.

Your contact persons in our offices


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)

Manuel Kurz
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-17
E-Mail: kurz(at)

Stephan Schäfer
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-267
E-Mail: schaefer(at)


Klaus Reibenspiess
Telefon: +49 (0)6021 582254-2
E-Mail: reibenspiess(at)


Marco Kühn
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-14
E-Mail: kuehn(at)

Vanessa Thiede
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-28
E-Mail: thiede(at)


Dr. Antonia Goldner
Telefon: +49 (0)40 30238698-3
E-Mail: goldner(at)


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Stefan Bender
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-12
E-Mail: bender(at)

Hans-Tobias Brenne
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-13
E-Mail: brenne(at)


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Management of Licences and Conditions

An official licence or notification is usually required whenever a new plant is constructed or an existing one extended or (significantly) altered. This means, on the one hand, that very extensive licence applications, in part, must be prepared for the respective projects, while, on the other hand, a large number of official decisions, with whose individual conditions the operator of an installation must make sure that he complies, are accumulated in the course of the operating period. Keeping track here, knowing which conditions have already been met, which may be obsolete owing to changes in operation or legislation or which are uniquely or recurrently relevant quite often confronts company employees with major challenges.

It is appropriate here to create complete documentation with regard to the licensing decisions (register of licences) as well as conditions and collateral provisions (register of conditions). In addition, responsibilities must be defined and handling of the conditions and collateral provisions monitored.

We will be pleased to assist you in this matter. We will support you in creating a register of licences and conditions and examine, together with you, which conditions have not been met / need to be met on a recurring basis. We will be able to use already existing company tools for this, or we will assist you by means of our CertLex licensing module ( You will receive a system which allows you to implement all conditions/collateral provisions according to schedule, while ensuring compliance/ constant monitoring.

In cases in which the licensing situation is unclear, it may be appropriate to apply for what is known as a "validation licence". We will coordinate the subject matter of the application for you here in close collaboration with the relevant authority, thereby enabling the licensing documentation to be largely streamlined, while leaving the established rights of the installation / operation as unaffected as possible.

Your contact persons in our offices


Christoph Franken
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-34
E-Mail: franken(at)

Manuel Kurz
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-17
E-Mail: kurz(at)

Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)

Stefan Hüsemann
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-24
E-Mail: huesemann(at)


Klaus Reibenspiess
Telefon: +49 (0)6021 582254-2
E-Mail: reibenspiess(at)


Marco Kühn
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-14
E-Mail: kuehn(at)


Dr. Antonia Goldner
Telefon: +49 (0)40 30238698-3
E-Mail: goldner(at)


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Stefan Bender
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-12
E-Mail: bender(at)

Hans-Tobias Brenne
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-13
E-Mail: brenne(at)


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Legally Compliant Project Planning - Auditing Projects

Examining requirements from environmental/energy legislation as early as the project planning stage

As early as the planning stage of investment projects, it is crucial to ensure that legal frameworks can be implemented so as to avoid subsequent re-planning and the associated time and cost expenditure. Examples include technical issues in connection with uses of materials (e.g. retention volume for substances hazardous to water or fire water, explosion-protected designs, ventilation/purification concepts, separate storage), which may also render a substitution check appropriate. Various solutions with regard to choice of the installation site, exhaust air/ waste water cleaning or exhaust air offtake. In the case of plants, activities or discharges of substances for which there is a licence or permit requirement, in particular, the focus is on the issue of subsequent licensability.An early-stage audit of projects provides advantages in terms of costs, but especially in terms of the time line.
An early-stage audit of projects provides advantages in terms of costs, but especially in terms of the time line. It therefore makes sense not to wait until the implementation stage of projects to call in consultancy services, but to do so as early as the project planning, project development or licence planning stages.

Our services:

We conduct the legal evaluations of project plans (project audits). Early-stage examination of legal frameworks has enabled us, for example, to achieve the following results for our customers to date:

  • exclusion from the scope of the Lösemittelverordnung (German Solvent Ordinance) due to substance substitution
  • exclusion from the licensing requirement due to correct demarcation of installations
  • identification of support options for projects
  • achievement of energy reductions, CO2 reductions due to efficiency measures
  • lower chimney heights or eschewal of immission reports due to reduction of emissions
  • eschewal of exhaust air cleaning due to implementation of reduction plans

We will also be pleased to evaluate your current projects in terms of legal frameworks and formulate proposals for alternative procedures or efficiency measures.

Your contact persons in our offices


Christoph Franken
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-34
E-Mail: franken(at)

Manuel Kurz
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-17
E-Mail: kurz(at)

Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Stefan Hüsemann
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-24
E-Mail: huesemann(at)

Andreas Baumgart
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-44
E-Mail: baumgart(at)


Klaus Reibenspiess
Telefon: +49 (0)6021 582254-2
E-Mail: reibenspiess(at)


Marco Kühn
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-14
E-Mail: kuehn(at)


Dr. Antonia Goldner
Telefon: +49 (0)40 30238698-3
E-Mail: goldner(at)


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Stefan Bender
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-12
E-Mail: bender(at)

Hans-Tobias Brenne
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-13
E-Mail: brenne(at)


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Reporting Obligations

Handling reporting obligations in relation to environmental protection in a timely and legally certain manner

Owing to various national and European specifications, operators of installations now face a large number of recurrent reporting obligations. You are doubtless aware of individual reporting obligations such as the emissions declaration.

The importance of the topic area is underlined by the fact that reporting content may be available to interested parties under the Umwelt-Informationsgesetz (Environment Information Act) or reveal breaches of the law in individual cases. Furthermore, reports that are not submitted in a timely manner may also result in a regulatory offence.


Reporting obligation



  • Annual reporting, to the DEHSt (German Emissions Trading Authority), on operations pursuant to Section 22 of the Zuteilungsverordnung (Allocation Ordinance - ZuV) 2020 for operators of installations subject to emissions trading


31st Jan

  • Annual submission, to the DEHSt, of the verified emissions report for operators of installations subject to emissions trading


31st Mar

  • Annual report, pursuant to the E-PRTR Regulation, for particular installations subject to licensing about their emissions (digitally via BUBE-Online across the nation).


31st May

  • Annual hazard analysis report pursuant to the 13th Federal Immission Control Ordinance (or the 17th Federal Immission Control Ordinance for waste-(co)-incinerating plants) about their emissions (digitally via BUBE-Online across the nation).


31st May

  • Emissions declaration for installations subject to licensing pursuant to the 11th Federal Immission Control Ordinance at 4-year intervals (digitally via BUBE-Online across the nation).


31st May (every 4 years)

  • Annual solvent management plans for installations pursuant to the 31st Federal Immission Control Ordinance, with a view to compliance with the requirements set out in the German Solvent Ordinance (regarding consumption of solvents, general requirements, reduction plans), prepared by an authorised expert on the authority's instruction.


annually, according to official specification if there are grounds

  • Periodic submission, to the DEHSt, of an improvement report for operators of installations subject to emissions trading in respect of the continual review of monitoring methods


30th Jun

  • Annual report, pursuant to section 31 of the BImSchG (Federal Immission Control Act), particularly for IE installations (summary of the results of emissions monitoring and other data required to verify compliance with the licensing requirements under section 6(1), no. 1 of the BImSchG)


annually, according to official specification if there are grounds

  • Annual report, pursuant to section 7 of the Industriekläranlagen-Zulassungs- und Überwachungsverordnung (Industrial Sewage Plant Approval and Monitoring Ordinance - IZÜV), for owners of a permit or licence under IZÜV in respect of emissions monitoring outcomes.


annually, according to official specification if there are grounds

  • Regular submission of an environmental statement in accordance with EMAS


every 3 years, annual update

Our services:

BfU AG regularly undertakes advisory activities and the handling of reports. We identify the reporting obligations relevant to you and how to implement them. We will be pleased to assist you in the preparation and timely submission of the respective reports and in conducting a dialogue with the authority.

Your contact persons in our offices


Christoph Franken
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-34
E-Mail: franken(at)

Manuel Kurz
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-17
E-Mail: kurz(at)

Tobias Porkristl
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-15
E-Mail: porkristl(at)

Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Stefan Hüsemann
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-24
E-Mail: huesemann(at)


Klaus Reibenspiess
Telefon: +49 (0)6021 582254-2
E-Mail: reibenspiess(at)


Marco Kühn
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-14
E-Mail: kuehn(at)

Vanessa Thiede
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-28
E-Mail: thiede(at)


Dr. Antonia Goldner
Telefon: +49 (0)40 30238698-3
E-Mail: goldner(at)


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Stefan Bender
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-12
E-Mail: bender(at)

Hans-Tobias Brenne
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-13
E-Mail: brenne(at)


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)


Environmental Due Diligence

Ascertaining legal soundness and ensuring risk minimisation through environmental due diligence

Carrying out a due diligence check prior to a company merger has become an accepted standard procedure. However, classic due diligence rarely considers environmental risks to a sufficient extent, despite the fact that these may often be quite serious. In a worst-case scenario, they may even lead to operating licence revocation.

Environmental due diligence aims to systematically analyse and assess these risks prior to a transaction. These are some of the aspects an environmental due diligence check performed by independent experts will look at:

  • Pollution prevention and legal requirements (e.g. legal emission limit values etc.)
  • Situation with regard to licencing and approval regulations (e.g. legal requirements etc.)
  • Energy law requirements (e.g. mandatory emissions trading scheme etc.)
  • Requirements regarding water rights (e.g. wastewater treatment etc.)
  • Soil protection and waste management (e.g. legacy pollutants)
  • Hazardous substance management and compliance with CLP/GHS regulations (e.g. waste consignment/transfer notes etc.)
  • Health and safety requirements (e.g. compliance with regulations for explosion protection etc.)

The environmental consultancy firm BfU employs a number of highly-qualified experts with long-standing experience in all of the above fields, who will manage or guide you through the entire environmental due diligence process, which is always an interdisciplinary effort. The full extent is determined by your individual requirements and usually includes the following stages:

You may rely on the support of our engineers, legal experts, scientists and economists, who will endeavour to identify potential risks for you and contribute to ensuring compliance with legal regulations.

Your contact persons in our offices


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)

Stefan Hüsemann
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-24
E-Mail: huesemann(at)

Stephan Schäfer
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-267
E-Mail: schaefer(at)


Klaus Reibenspiess
Telefon: +49 (0)6021 582254-2
E-Mail: reibenspiess(at)


Marco Kühn
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-14
E-Mail: kuehn(at)

Vanessa Thiede
Telefon: +49 (0)345 686977-28
E-Mail: Thiede(at)


Dr. Antonia Goldner
Telefon: +49 (0)40 30238698-3
E-Mail: goldner(at)


Hans-Ulrich Terme
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-14
E-Mail: terme(at)


Stefan Bender
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-12
E-Mail: bender(at)

Hans-Tobias Brenne
Telefon: +49 (0)6441 96305-13
E-Mail: brenne(at)


Benjamin Harms
Telefon: +49 (0)561 96996-25
E-Mail: harms(at)

Any further questions?

E-Mail: info(at)
Tel.: +49 (0)561 96996-0